Competitive Tryout FAQ


How do I register for Tryouts?

Who are the competitive team coaches, and what are their qualifications and experience?

MVSC’s 2024 Competitive team coaches will be posted to the MVSC Competitive Coaches page in advance of tryouts.

What are “United” teams?

MVSC, Corte Madera FC and Tiburon Peninsula SC are collaborating to form all U13 and older competitive teams.  These teams will play under the “United” name.  

When should I come to tryouts, and what should I bring?

  • Please register online for tryouts at least 48 hours in advance of the first tryout.
  • Arrive 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time to sign in. If you haven’t registered online, you’ll need to complete additional paperwork.
  • Players should wear cleats and shin guards, and bring a water bottle. Please DO NOT wear club uniforms or any other clothing indicating a club or team affiliation.

Should I stay and watch?

We recommend that parents check their players in, leave and then come back 10 minutes before the end of the session.  If you opt to stay, parents may sit in the bleachers, but may not be on the track or field at any time.

What is the plan if the weather is bad?

In the event of inclement weather and/or significant rainfall, MVSC will post any changes to the MVSC Tryout Schedule.

How do players know which team to try out for?

Our professional staff will evaluate the complete player pool at each age.  We make roster offers by age group, and we manage the team roster decisions in early June.

How many tryouts does a player need to attend?

Players are only required to attend one tryout.  We encourage players to attend as many tryouts as possible.  The more tryouts a player attends, the more reliable their assessments will be.  Players with other in-season sports commitments should attend those games or events (provided they attend at least one of our tryouts).  

What should we do if my child is sick or injured at the time of tryouts?

Please send an email to MVSC’s Director of Coaching, Rick Fullerton, and include your child’s full name, gender, birth year and the nature of your child’s illness or injury.

My child may wish to play in MVSC’s Premier Rec program, but they also want to try out for competitive soccer.  Should I register for Premier Rec and for competitive tryouts now?

You are welcome to register both for Tryouts and our Premier Rec program.  If you are offered an invitation to play on an MVSC Competitive team, we can easily transfer your registration fees to cover the Competitive registration costs.  If you opt to wait, you will have approximately one week after competitive team announcements to still register for our Premier Rec program, which has an on-time deadline of June 1.

How can I obtain information on financial aid for competitive soccer?  And should I complete a Financial Aid application in advance of tryouts?

MVSC is proud to offer financial assistance to any family with a demonstrated need.  There is no need to request financial aid prior to tryouts.  There will be a link to our financial aid application during the registration process, should your child receive and accept an invitation to play for an MVSC competitive team.  If you have questions about financial aid prior to registering, please send your question to

By what criteria will players be assessed?

Players will be evaluated on technical, tactical, athletic and psychological factors demonstrated in their attitude, approach and performance at tryouts.  Our professional staff will assess these qualities through a variety of methods, most importantly through observing performance, behavior and habits during tryouts.

Will my child be constantly observed during the tryout?

Each player will be observed for a vast majority of the tryout, and every player will be observed by three or more coaches during the tryout process.  Our Coaches want the players to enjoy the tryout experience and to actively play for most of the minutes they are on the field.  At times, our Coaches will need to compare notes with one another, to discuss next steps in the tryout process, to get a drink of water, etc.  Our approach is to allow the kids to continue playing during those times. Being able to maintain concentration, work ethic, and high-level performance with consistency throughout the duration of the tryouts are valued player assets.

What is the process and timeline by which players find out if they have made a competitive team?

MVSC will do our best to expedite the notification process.

At the completion of the tryout process, some players may be selected for player pools for their age group, whereas other players may be selected for specific teams.  Families will be notified through website postings and email invitations.

If my child does not make a competitive team, can they still get professional coaching during the fall season?

Yes.  MVSC’s Premier Rec fall program is open to all players, and all participants can benefit from professional coaching.  Players who don’t receive an invitation to play on a competitive team are encouraged to register for MVSC Premier Rec Soccer.  

What if I have more questions about the tryout process or any of your programs?

Please use our website as your primary resource for more information:

We have FAQs for every program.  If you have additional questions specific to your child, please send a brief email to:, and our staff will get back to you.